I have not been one who follows the Royal Family in England yet there is one story that retains my attention.  This is not an in-depth interest but when I see a headline I will read it.  The story of which I am referring is Mr and Mrs. Prince Harry leaving the Royal family which happened a number of years ago.

When he and his wife left, they lost several things like titles, a place in the Royal Palace and they left a family with a net worth of $60 Billion.

They left this life in England to go to California and do podcasts, write a book and have occasional acting appearances, leaving behind all the financial security imaginable to be everyday working stiffs.

Think about this: They now have to make arrangements for internet service, pump gas, grocery shop, change oil in the car, arrange and plan for health and car insurance.

As a believer, did you ever consider this in terms of Jesus? 

The book of Hebrews begins:

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.

Jesus left infinitely more in comparison to what Harry left. 

These opening words of Hebrews are deep but today consider just one thing.  Jesus, very creator God, enters the fallen creation to encounter hunger, thirst and fatigue. 

ALSO, for the saved, he faced death.  The wages of sin is death.  For those who are of the faith, He encountered this death, in our place.  On our behalf.  God FOR US!

Oh what a mighty Savior is Jesus my Lord. 

i believe