
June 14, 1989 was a sunny Wednesday.  It was on that day, just before lunch I was asked a question; how much of a role does grace play in salvation?

This question has been discussed and debated for centuries.  From St. Augustine and Pelagius to Jacob Arminius and Calvin with myriads before and after these people.  On that day in June, I skipped lunch and began a passionate search for a response which ultimately led to more than three decade search.

The heart of the answer directly concerns regeneration or new birth and new life.  My fascination with the Biblical concept of regeneration has not diminished.

Regeneration is NOT a resolution.  It is not a desire to quit some bad behavior(s) or change one’s life.  It is not making a plan to succeed at a goal, like to lose weight, learn a new language or feed the homeless.  Resolutions are typically something that can be accomplish on our OWN strength and determination.

In terms of ability, regeneration differs from resolution.  For regeneration to occur, it relies on strength and ability outside of self.  Biblically speaking, regeneration is ALL grace because it is solely an act of God. (Ezekiel 36:25-27; John 1:12-13; 3:2-14; 6:44, 63-65; Ephesians 2:8-10)

Regeneratis is Latin meaning: The Regenerated.  For those who are living a regenerated life there is familiarity with grace.  There is a change of thoughts, behaviors and desires.

The regenerated see their life, all of life, through a new lens.  Life, culture, art and music is different because of regeneration.

Regeneratis.org is the culmination of several decades contemplating that question of grace posed summer 1989.  This creative space, is created to share the experience of a regenerated life.